Routing functions v5


Create a proxy


bdr.create_proxy(proxy_name text, node_group text);


  • proxy_name Name of the new proxy.
  • node_group Name of the group to be used by the proxy.


Change a proxy


bdr.alter_proxy_option(proxy_name text, config_key text, config_value text);


  • proxy_name Name of the proxy to be changed.
  • config_key Key of the option in the proxy to be changed.
  • config_value New value to be set for the given key.

The proxy options that can be changed using this function are:

  • listen_address Address for the proxy to listen on. Default is '{}'.
  • listen_port Port for the proxy to listen on. Default is '6432'.
  • max_client_conn Maximum number of connections for the proxy to accept. Default is '32767'.
  • max_server_conn Maximum number of connections the proxy can make to the Postgres node. Default is '32767'.
  • server_conn_timeout Connection timeout for server connections. Default is '2' (seconds).
  • server_conn_keepalive Keepalive interval for server connections. Default is '10' (seconds).
  • consensus_grace_period Duration for which proxy continues to route even upon loss of a Raft leader. If set to 0s, proxy stops routing immediately. Default is generally '6' (seconds) for local proxies and '12' (seconds) for global proxies. These values will be overriden if raft_response_timeout, raft_global_election_timeout or raft_group_election_timeout are changed from their defaults.


Drop a proxy


bdr.drop_proxy(proxy_name text);


  • proxy_name Name of the proxy to be dropped.


Changing the routing leader transfers the leadership of the node group to another node


bdr.routing_leadership_transfer(node_group_name text,
              leader_name text,
              transfer_method text DEFAULT 'strict',
              transfer_timeout interval DEFAULT '10s');


  • node_group_name Name of group where the leadership transfer is requested.
  • leader_name Name of node that will become write leader.
  • transfer_method Type of the transfer, it can be "fast" or the default "strict" that checks the maximum lag.
  • transfer_timeout Timeout of the leadership transfer, default is 10 seconds.