Installation v1


EDB Postgres Distributed for Kubernetes can be installed using the provided Helm chart.

If you don't have Helm installed yet, follow these instructions to install it in your system.

After Helm is installed, add the repository:

helm repo add edb \

You need access to the private EDB repository where both the operator and operand images are stored. Access requires a valid EDB subscription plan. See Accessing EDB private image registries for details.

Given that the container images for both the operator and the selected operand are in EDB's private registry, you need your credentials to enable helm to retrieve them.

Make sure to replace your repo and token in the following command:

helm upgrade --dependency-update \
  --install edb-pg4k-pgd \
  --namespace pgd-operator-system \
  --create-namespace \
  edb/edb-postgres-distributed-for-kubernetes \
  --set image.imageCredentials.username=@@REPOSITORY@@ \
  --set image.imageCredentials.password=@@TOKEN@@

In particular:

Be sure to create a cert issuer before you start deploying PGD clusters. The Helm chart prompts you to do this, but in case you miss it, you can, for example, run:

kubectl apply -f \

For more details on the Helm chart, see the Helm chart repo documentation.

With the operators and a self-signed cert issuer deployed, you can start creating PGD clusters. See the Quick start for an example.

Red Hat OpenShift

If you're trying to install EDB Postgres Distributed for Kubernetes on Red Hat OpenShift, see Red Hat OpenShift, which contains information on the certified operator maintained by EDB.