EDB private image registries v1

The images for the EDB Postgres Distributed for Kubernetes and EDB Postgres for Kubernetes operators, as well as various operands, are kept in private container image registries under docker.enterprisedb.com.


Access to the private registries requires an account with EDB and is reserved for EDB customers with a valid subscription plan. Credentials are run through your EDB account. For trials, see Trials.

Which repository to choose?

EDB Postgres Distributed for Kubernetes is available as part of the Extreme High Availability Add-On on top of either the EDB Enterprise Plan or EDB Standard Plan.

Depending on your subscription plan, EDB Postgres Distributed for Kubernetes is in one of the following repositories.

EDB Standard Plank8s_standard_pgd
EDB EnterpriseDB Plank8s_enterprise_pgd

Use the name of the repository as the username when you log in to the EDB container registry, for example, through docker login or a kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson pull secret.


Each repository contains all the images you can access with your plan. You don't need to connect to different repositories to access different images, such as operator or operand images.

How to retrieve the token

In the repos page in EDB, is an EDB Repos 2.0 section where a repo token appears obscured.

EDB Repo Portal

Next to the repo token is a Copy Token button to copy the token and an eye icon for looking at the content of the token.

Use the repo token as the password when you log in to the EDB container registry.

Example with docker login

You can log in using Docker from your terminal. We suggest that you copy the repo token using Copy Token. The docker command prompts you for a username and a password.

The username is the repo you're trying to access, and the password is the token you just copied:

$ docker login docker.enterprisedb.com  
Username: k8s_enterprise_pgd
Login Succeeded


If you're a trialist or a preview user, use k8s_enterprise_pgd as the name of the repository, and follow the instructions in How to retrieve the token for the token.

Operand images

EDB Postgres Distributed for Kubernetes is an operator that supports running EDB Postgres Distributed (PGD) version 5 on three PostgreSQL distributions:

  • PostgreSQL
  • EDB Postgres Advanced Server
  • EDB Postgres Extended

See Choosing a Postgres distribution in the PGD documentation for details and a comparison of PGD on the different supported PostgreSQL distributions.

Due to the immutable application container adoption in EDB operators, the operator expects for the container images to include all the binaries required to run the requested version of PGD on top of the required distribution and version of Postgres.

These images follow the requirements and the conventions described in Container image requirements in the EDB Postgres for Kubernetes documentation, adding the bdr5 extension.

The table shows the image name prefix for each Postgres distribution.

Postgres distributionVersionsImage nameRepositories
EDB Postgres Extended15, 14edb-postgres-extended-pgdk8s_standard_pgd, k8s_enterprise_pgd
EDB Postgres Advanced15, 14edb-postgres-advanced-pgdk8s_enterprise_pgd